Just pissed about WSAD 5.0. One of the worst appliactions. At one point I use to think that IBM is a very nice company and come out with nice products. Stu*id people can't even do one thing right. MS is going to kick there bu** left and right. I started the WSAD 5.0 and the thing would not start. Now uninstalled it and installed it again now when I want to change the install dir it would hang up. Got and they charge $3000/license for this xxxx. [ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: Thomas Paul ]
Does it mean WSAD 5 is worse than WSAD 4 ?? I have a bunch of problems with v4 I was hoping v5 will solve. Does any other rancher already tried the eclipse2-based edition of WSAD ? Do you agree with Amish [ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: Bill Bailey ]
/ JeanLouis<br /><i>"software development has been, is, and will remain fundamentally hard" (Grady Booch)</i><br /> <br />Take a look at <a href="http://www.epfwiki.net/wikis/openup/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Agile OpenUP</a> in the Eclipse community
I may be biased coming from IBM, but no, I don't agree. I've not had any problems with WSAD 5.0. Also, remember, what you are using (the Early Access version) is basically a beta... Kyle
Oh no..we were also waiting for WSAD 5.0, since 4.0 was sooo buggy. Can anybody else shed light on WSAD 5.0? We are also looking at eclipse 2.0. It's really good and it's free...
Kyle, is WSAD 5.0 Early Access really considered a beta product? I read through the readme's and installation guides, and it said that the only part that is not "final" is the Test Environment, which is still beta. They said that everything else in the WSAD 5.0 Early Access product is considered the final version. Please verify.
I have never used WSAD 5, but I actually like WSAD 4. Yes it is slow, and it does have a few bugs. But I for one think this IDE has a lot of features that makes a developers work easier. Just EJBs alone I have found are much easier with WSAD than without.
i dont agree with amish a patel....he didn't come out with the precise problem that he faced with WSAD 5.0....i started working on it and i dont find any hassel until today.You need to explore it than just trying it, only then you can feel it.i hope you can understand what i mean.I beleive that version 5.0 is going to rule for next few months.
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