From the title, it might seem strange, but that's the deal. I have a parser that it should return a list of polylines (Direction API). However, it is returning only one value and even that value is incomplete.
the value returned is "{kd_IljoJ" which is not even the full string. It is supposed to be "{kd_IljoJd@L|Ab@pA\\r@P^L`AXxA`@|@VxBn@dAZNDd@NNDd@PXLJDRLJDNJHFHFRPJJdAbATPRJTJPDVBF@P@L@"
As you can see it returns a small bit only, not to mention that I actually need a list of them and not just one. Am I missing something?
Okay, you need to create an SSCCE. It's the smallest application you can write that demonstrates the problem. Remove everything like downloading the JSON, just assign the entire JSON data to a constant using a string literal, and then try to get the offending polyline point from the JSONObject. You can do all of this in a single class file.
Post the SSCCE here in it's entirety. The goal is to give us the minimal amount of code that we can compile and run ourselves.