I have a question about configuring
Struts application.
I have 3 jsp�s: List.jsp, Edit.jsp, Next.jsp and I need to populate Edit.jsp with values from db.
I wrote code to set properties of EditForm.java in �perform� method of EditAction.java.
But I cannot find a way how to configure that. I need that EditAction was invoked before Edit.jsp is displayed, so I forward from ListAction to EditAction.
Then if I write on Edit.jsp < html:form action="edit.do">
It�s okay but how can I redirect to Next.jsp?
If I put on Edit.jsp < html:form action="next.do">
I get an error:
E SRVE0026E: [
Servlet Error]-[No getter method available for property country for bean under name org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN]:
Where property name is always the name of first control on Edit.jsp page
Thanks in advance