I am currently trying to install IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 5.0 for Linux on zSeries on my machine. My machine is a hercules mainframe emulator running on Win-XP . I have installed RedHat linux s390 7.2 on my mainframe emulator. I am currently trying to perform a silent install on my system. I set up my responsefile.txt and then ran the install.sh file which results in the following output
[root@winherc linuxs390]# ./install.sh -optons ./responsefile.txt
InstallShield Wizard
Initializing InstallShield Wizard...
Searching for
Java(tm) Virtual Machine... .........[root@winherc linuxs390]#
This takes over 30 mins to complete. However after this process completes websphere is not installed. Also, I cannot find the log.txt file which should be in the /tmp/ directory. I wondering if someone could tell me where I'm going wrong or if there is some part of the installation process that I am leaving out. Regards, Trev.
ps Here is my response file:
# *******************************************
# Response file for WebSphere Application Server 5.0 Install
# Please follow the comments to use the response file and
# understand the various options. You must carefully complete
# or change the various values. If the values are not completed
# properly, the install may be unsuccessful.
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# This value is required.
# *******************************************
-W setupTypes.selectedSetupTypeId="custom"
# *******************************************
# Below is the beginning of the response file that needs to be
# filled in by the user.
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# The below value specifies silent install. This value
# indicates that the install will be silent. If you wish not to install
# silently, just delete this value.
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# WebSphere Application Server Install Location
# Please specify the destination directory for the WebSphere Application
# Server installation. You will need to change this for UNIX
# platforms. As an example for AIX, the value may be
# "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer"
# *******************************************
-P wasBean.installLocation="/usr/was"
# *******************************************
# IBM HTTP Server Install Location
# Please specify the destination directory for the IBM HTTP Server
# installation. This value will need to be completed if you
# choose to install IBM HTTP Server. If you choose to not install IBM
# HTTP Server, then this value is not required. You will need to change
# the default value below for UNIX platforms. As an example for AIX, the
# value may be "/usr/IBMHTTPServer"
# *******************************************
-P ihsFeatureBean.installLocation="/usr/IBMHTTPServer"
# *******************************************
# Below are the features that you may choose to install.
# Set the following values to "true" or "false," depending upon whether
# you want to install the following features or not.
# NOTE: The default settings for features in this response file
# detail the defaults for a typical installation.
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# Install Server
# *******************************************
-P serverBean.active="true"
# *******************************************
# Begin Features for Administration
# *******************************************
# *********
# Install Administration
# *********
-P adminBean.active="true"
# *********
# The next 2 features are part of Administration. In order for any of these
# features to be installed, the property to install Administration denoted
# above must be set to "true."
# *********
# *********
# Install Admin Scripting
# *********
-P adminScriptingFeatureBean.active="true"
# *********
# Install Administrative Console
# *********
-P adminConsoleFeatureBean.active="true"
# *******************************************
# End Features for Administration
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# Begin Features for Application Assembly and Deployment Tools
# *******************************************
# *********
# Install Application Assembly and Deployment Tools
# *********
-P applicationAndAssemblyToolsBean.active="true"
# *********
# The next 3 features are part of Application Assembly and Deployment
# Tools. In order for any of these features to be installed,
# the property to install Application And Assembly Tools denoted
# above must be set to "true."
# *********
# *********
# Install Application Assembly Tool
# *********
-P applicationAssemblyToolBean.active="true"
# *********
# Install Deploy Tool
# *********
-P deployToolBean.active="true"
# *********
# Install
Ant Utilities
# *********
-P antUtilityBean.active="true"
# *******************************************
# End Features for Application Assembly and Deployment Tools
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# Begin Features for Embedded Messaging
# *******************************************
# *********
# Install Embedded Messaging
# *********
-P mqSeriesBean.active="true"
# *********
# The next three features are for Embedded Messaging. In order to install
# any of the following three subfeatures, the property to install Embedded
# Messaging denoted above must be set to "true."
# IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not want to install Embedded Messaging, please
# ensure all of the following options are set to "false" as well as the above
# option.
# *********
# *********
# Install Embedded Messaging Server and Client
# You may only install the Embedded Messaging Server and Client or the Embedded
# Messaging client below. If you set the Server and Client to "true," please
# ensure that the Client only option below is set to "false." The same applies
# if you set the Client only option to "true," please ensure the server and client
# option is set to "false."
# *********
-P mqSeriesServerBean.active="true"
# *********
# Embedded Messaging Server and Client install location
# If you choose to install Embedded Messaging Server and Client above, please
# specify an install location below for Windows platforms only.
# The directory may not be configured by the user for UNIX platforms
# as it is predetermined.
# *********
-P mqSeriesServerBean.installLocation="/usr/ibm/webspheremq/"
# *********
# Install Embedded Messaging Client only
# *********
-P mqSeriesClientBean.active="false"
# *********
# Embedded Messaging Client Only install location
# If you choose to install Embedded Messaging Client only above, please
# specify an install location below for Windows platforms only.
# The directory may not be configured by the user for UNIX platforms
# as it is predetermined.
# *********
#-P mqSeriesClientBean.installLocation="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ"
# *********
# Install Message-driven beans Samples
# *********
-P mqSeriesSamplesBean.active="true"
# *******************************************
# End Features for Embedded Messaging
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# Install IHS WebServer 1.3.26
# *******************************************
-P ihsFeatureBean.active="true"
# *******************************************
# Begin Features for Web Server Plugins
# *******************************************
# *********
# Install Web Server Plugins
# *********
-P pluginBean.active="true"
# *********
# The next 5 features are part of Web Server Plugins.
# In order for any of these features to be installed,
# the property to install Web Server Plugins denoted
# above must be set to "true."
# *********
# *********
# Install IBM HTTP Server Plugin
# *********
-P ihsPluginBean.active="true"
# *********
# Install Apache Web Server Plugin
# *********
-P apachePluginBean.active="true"
# *********
# Install Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Plugin
# *********
-P iisPluginBean.active="true"
# *********
# Install iPlanet Web Server Plugin
# *********
-P iplanet60PluginBean.active="true"
# *********
# Install Domino Web Server Plugin
# *********
-P dominoPluginBean.active="true"
# *******************************************
# End Features for Web Server Plugins
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# Install Samples
# *******************************************
-P samplesBean.active="true"
# *******************************************
# Begin Features for Performance and Analysis Tools
# *******************************************
# *********
# Install Performance And Analysis Tools
# *********
-P performanceAndAnalysisToolsBean.active="true"
# *********
# The next 3 features are part of Performance And Analysis
# Tools. In order for any of these features to be installed,
# the property to install Performance And Analysis Tools denoted
# above must be set to "true."
# *********
# *********
# Install Tivoli Performance Viewer
# *********
-P tivoliPerfBean.active="true"
# *********
# Install Dynamic Cache Monitor
# *********
-P DCMBean.active="true"
# *********
# Install Performance
Servlet # *********
-P performanceServletBean.active="true"
# *******************************************
# End Features for Performance and Analysis Tools
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# Install Javadocs
# *******************************************
-P javadocBean.active="true"
# *******************************************
# Please enter a node name and hostname for this installation.
# The node name is used for administration, and must be unique
# within its group of nodes (cell). The hostname is the DNS name
# or IP address for this computer. You must replace the
# "DefaultNode" with the node name that you want the default node
# to be and "" to a resolveable hostname or IP address
# for your machine.
# Warning: If you are migrating now or plan to do so after
# installation, enter the same node name as the previous version.
# *******************************************
-W nodeNameBean.nodeName="winherc"
-W nodeNameBean.hostName=""
# *******************************************
# Begin Installing Services
# The following are to install Services for IHS and Websphere
# Application Server on Windows. Using Services, you can start and
# stop services, and configure startup and recovery actions.
# You can ignore these or comment them out for other Operating Systems.
# *******************************************
#-W serviceSettingsWizardBean.active="true"
# *********
# The next 2 options are part of Installing Services.
# In order for any of these to be set to "true,"
# the property to install Services denoted above must be set
# to "true."
# *********
# *********
# Install the IHS service
# *********
#-W serviceSettingsWizardBean.ihsChoice="true"
# *********
# Install the WebSphere Application Server service
# *********
#-W serviceSettingsWizardBean.wasChoice="true"
# *********
# If you chose to install a service above, then you must
# specify the User Name and Password which are required to
# install the Services. The current user must be admin or must
# have admin authority to install a Service. Also the username
# which is given here must have "Log On as a Service " authority
# for the service to run properly.
# *********
# *********
# Replace YOUR_USER_NAME with your username.
# *********
#-W serviceSettingsWizardBean.userName="YOUR_USER_NAME"
# *********
# Replace YOUR_PASSWORD with your valid password.
# *********
#-W serviceSettingsWizardBean.password="YOUR_PASSWORD"
# *******************************************
# End Installing Services
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# Set any or all of the following to false if the launcher
# icon is not to be installed. These settings will only affect
# an install in which the corresponding product component
# is also selected for install.
# *******************************************
-P StartServerIconBean.active="false"
-P StopServerIconBean.active="false"
-P AdminConsoleIconBean.active="false"
-P AssemblyToolIconBean.active="false"
-P SamplesGalleryIconBean.active="false"
-P TivoliPerfIconBean.active="false"
-P infoCenterIconBean.active="false"
-P firstStepsIconBean.active="false"
-P logAnalyzerIconBean.active="false"
# *******************************************
# Change the path to the prerequisite checker configuration
# file only if a new file has been provided. This can be a
# relative path or an absolute path. Make sure both the
# prereqChecker.xml and prereqChecker.dtd files are present at the provided path.
# *******************************************
-W osLevelCheckActionBean.configFilePath="waspc/prereqChecker.xml"
# *******************************************
# Begin Plugin Config File Location
# If you chose to install plugins above, then you will
# need to specify the fully qualified path, including
# the config file name, for the plugins you selected. If you want to
# install the plugin, you must specify this path, otherwise the
# installer will fail to install the plugins properly. Also, the
# value must be included in double quotes.
# *******************************************
# *********
# IBM HTTP Server Plugin Config File Location
# *********
-W defaultIHSConfigFileLocationBean.value="/usr/IBMHTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf"
# *********
# Apache Web Server Config File Location
# *********
-W defaultApacheConfigFileLocationBean.value="/usr/apacheServer/conf/apacheServer.conf"
# *********
# iPlanet Web Server Config File Location
# *********
-W defaultIPlanetConfigFileLocationBean.value="/usr/iPlanet/conf/iPlanet.conf"
# *********
# Begin Domino Web Server Plugin Config File Locations
# The Notes.jar and names.nsf locations are required
# for the Domino Plugin. Please be sure to enter values in
# double quotes for both of these files.
# *********
# *********
# Domino Notes.jar File Location
# *********
-W dominoPanelBean.notesJarFile="/usr/domino/Notes.jar"
# *********
# Domino names.nsf File Location
# *********
-W dominoPanelBean.namesFile="/usr/domino/names.nsf"
# *********
# End Domino Web Server Plugin Config File Locations
# *********
# *******************************************
# End Plugin Config File Location
# *******************************************
# *******************************************
# Product Registration Tool
# To launch the Product Registration Tool, please
# change the value to "true." This is only for
# GUI install.
# *******************************************
-W launchPRTBean.active="false"
# *******************************************
# Install Default App
# Please specify if you would like to install the
# Default App by setting the value to "true" or "false."
# *******************************************
-W installSampleAppSequenceBean.active="true"
# *******************************************
# First Steps
# If you would the First Steps to display at the end
# of the installation, please change the value to "true."
# *******************************************
-W firstStepsSequenceBean.active="false"
# *******************************************
# Installation Verification Tool (IVT)
# Please specify if you would like to run the Installation
# Verification Tool by setting the value to "true" or "false."
# *******************************************
-W installIVTAppSequenceBean.active="true"
# ***********************************************************
# ** Support for Silent Coexistence
# **
# ** NOTE: You must uncomment and modify the properties in
# ** this section for silent coexistence to work properly.
# **
# ***********************************************************
# ***********************************************************
# Tell the installer that you want to perform coexistence
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistenceOptionsBean.doCoexistence="true"
# ***********************************************************
# Set this property if you want to modify the default IHS
# and IHS Admin ports
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistencePanelBean.useIhs="true"
# ***********************************************************
# The new value for the Bootstrap Port
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistencePanelBean.bootstrapPort="2810"
# ***********************************************************
# The new values for the IHS and IHS Admin ports
# NOTE: These values are only used if
# coexistencePanelBean.useIhs is set to "true"
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistencePanelBean.ihsPort="81"
#-W coexistencePanelBean.ihsAdminPort="8009"
# ***********************************************************
# The new values for the HTTP and HTTPs transports.
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistencePanelBean.httpTransportPort="9086"
#-W coexistencePanelBean.httpsTransportPort="9044"
# ***********************************************************
# Thew new values for the admin console an secure admin
# console ports.
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistencePanelBean.adminConsolePort="9091"
#-W coexistencePanelBean.secureAdminConsolePort="9444"
# ***********************************************************
# The new values for the csivServerAuthListener and
# the csivMultiAuthListener ports.
# NOTE: You can usually leave these set to 0
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistencePanelBean.csivServerAuthListenerAddr="0"
#-W coexistencePanelBean.csivMultiAuthListenerAddr="0"
# ***********************************************************
# The new value for the sasSSLServerAuth port.
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistencePanelBean.sasSSLServerAuthAddr="0"
# ***********************************************************
# The new values for the JMS Server Direct Address,
# JMS Server Security, and JMS Server QueuedAddress ports
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistencePanelBean.jmsServerDirectAddress="5569"
#-W coexistencePanelBean.jmsServerSecurityPort="5567"
#-W coexistencePanelBean.jmsServerQueuedAddress="5568"
# ***********************************************************
# The new value for the
soap connector address port
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistencePanelBean.soapConnectorAddress="8881"
# ***********************************************************
# The new value for the DRS Client Address port
# ***********************************************************
#-W coexistencePanelBean.drsClientAddress="7874"
# ***********************************************************
# ** Support for Silent Migration
# **
# ** NOTE: You must uncomment and modify EVERY property
# ** in this section for silent migration to work properly.
# **
# ***********************************************************
# ***********************************************************
# The installer must be informed that you wish to operate on
# a previous version, so you must tell it that one is present
# by uncommenting the next line.
# ***********************************************************
# -W previousVersionDetectedBean.previousVersionDetected="true"
# ***********************************************************
# Direct the installer to operate on a specific previous version by
# uncommenting the next line and entering one of these values:
# Value Edition
# ***** *******
# AE WAS Advanced Edition (V3.x, V4.0.x)
# advanced AE
# AEs WAS Advanced Single Server Edition (V4.0.x)
# standard WAS Standard Edition (V3.x)
# ************************************************************
# -W previousVersionPanelBean.selectedVersionEdition="AEs"
# ************************************************************
# Specify the location where the previous version is installed.
# ************************************************************
# -W previousVersionPanelBean.selectedVersionInstallLocation="/opt/WebSphere/AppServer"
# ************************************************************
# Specify the path to the configuration file for the
# previous version. Configuration filenames are:
# Value previousVersionPanelBean.selectedVersionEdition
# ***** ***********************************************
# admin.config AE
# admin.config advanced
# server-cfg AEs
# server-cfg standard
# ************************************************************
# -W previousVersionPanelBean.selectedVersionConfigFile="/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/config/server-cfg.xml"
# ************************************************************
# Specify the version number of the previous version: 4.0 4.0.1 3.5 etc...
# ************************************************************
# -W previousVersionPanelBean.previousVersionSelected="4.0"
# ************************************************************
# Uncomment the below line to indicate that you wish to
# migrate the previous version.
# ************************************************************
# -W previousVersionPanelBean.migrationSelected="true"
# ************************************************************
# Specify the directory where migration will backup
# information about the previous version.
# ************************************************************
# -W migrationInformationPanelBean.migrationBackupDir="/tmp/migrationbackup"
# ************************************************************
# Specify the directory where migration logs will be stored.
# ************************************************************
# -W migrationInformationPanelBean.migrationLogfileDir="/tmp/migrationlogs"