Deploying under Websphere is a 3 step process.
First you need to create the
java files, compile them and put the class files into a jar file (jar cvf name_of_jar_file.jar *.class).
Then you start the AAT (Application Assembly Tool). You need to create an application, a .jar file containing your EJBs and you can also add an application client. Second, you have to specify all necessary information you need to be able to start the generation of deployment descriptors (via menu in AAT). I cant tell you all the steps you have to do, but I suggest you look it up in the info center. Anyway I try to name the most important things: application name, jar file name,
EJB name, home interface, remote interface, JNDI name for your bean, depending on what bean you use you must also specify primar key classes, attributes in case of CMP 2.0, references to resources and last but not least you have to specify references from the application client to the bean you use (otherwise no stub files are created for acessing the bean remote).
Third, you need to install the deployed_your_application.ear file in the Adminstration Console. After going through the steps you have to start the application in the Enterprise Application menu.
Now you can start the application client using the launchclient tool. Therefor set the path to include c:\websphere\appserver\bin and set the classpath to include the client.jar file (cant remember the precise name, but it should be found at c:\websphere\appserver\lib).
Next, find your application, this should look something like: c:\websphere\appserver\config\cells\your_server_name\applications\your_application_name.ear\
there start: launchclient your_application_name.ear
So this all the steps I was able to remember by heart. It took me nearly a year to understand J2EE and the application servers Weblogic, Websphere and
JBoss. And still I don't know all necessary things. I hope I was able to shorten your time, however if you are totally new to J2EE it won't help you much.