@DineshC Sharma:
Lucian’s answer is right. The goal of the book is not to teach you how to make AI programs, but what is the right way to think about the business problems that could be solved with AI, and how to run AI project successfully.
From the book summary on Amazon page:
“Many AI projects are in progress today, and many of them will fail. This book helps you avoid starting an AI project that's doomed to failure and shows you how to lead the right AI project toward the business results.
Conventional wisdom tells us that the determinant of success or failure of an AI project is the project team's in-depth knowledge of AI technology. It is not. Overfocus on technology, paired with a vague understanding of the actions leaders must take for their AI projects to succeed, causes unrealistic expectations and poor business results. Believing that success with AI is determined solely by technical prowess confounds an enabler with a capability. Although you do need to have technical skills on your team for your AI project to succeed technically, to implement AI in your business, you also need to link technology with business goals. Only humans can do that, and this book shows you how”
You could find more info and what reviewers said about the book at:
books Amazon Page.