Hi e'body, Suddenly one of our application crashed.. i'm in need of help.. We are using WAS 3.5 on AS/400 Actually it's creating an SQLException.. I traced why its happening... We have a data-source created for this application( for connection pooling) and this data-source uses the following driver: com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver We also have a user-id and password assigned ... Here comes the problem... That user-id has been dis-abled.. i guess Password has changed.. nobody knows how ??!!! That user-id cannot even be used to connect to AS/400 along with DB2... Any help why this is happening and how to solve this.. your suggestion is wel-come.. I really appreciate your help.. Thanks a lot ;-) The following is the error :
[ June 03, 2003: Message edited by: Marilyn de Queiroz ]
I think the user id disabling is nothing got to do with the crash. It is good idea to consult the security group in your company. They normally specify the time for expire of UserId. It might have expired. Other wise check Weather you have got Id and password correct.
hey, thanks a lot for your reply.. might have some-thing to do with expiration... didnt know about this.. i'll do some research on this.. It's actually not a crash.. any database request throws an SQLException..so i hav considered it lik a crash bcos thats the main part.. i'll give it a shot ( regarding expiration ) and see.. thanks ;-) get back 2 u later...
hey ,.. I have checked on the user-profile ,.. with the help of 'com.ibm.as400.access.User' class and it returned -1, which means that The user's password does not expire.. So, do you have any other idea, why this is happening... thanks ;-)