Hi all.
I think Jeanne actually most probably, intended table 17.3, from Chapter 17: Modular Applications.
I've encountered the same error, mentioned by Fabio Salvi, in the Test Bank, for Practice Exam 3.
Analyzing the response for this question (tb617624.JaSE11PrgIISG.be1.53)
, and comparing it with the information from the table 17.3, there is one thing that's not very clear for me.
In row number 3, for the column "
Unnamed" we have "
No" as a response.
Here is the full sentence:
An unnamed module is readable by other modules on the module path? - No
This contradicts with the information from the answer of the Test Bank's question:
Automatic modules can read from either the classpath or the module path
Does it mean that "No" from the table is partially wrong?
Automatic modules can read from the classpath (here is our unnamed module)
Named modules can't read from the classpath // here I totally agree that "No" from the table is okay.
Jeanne, could you please add light to this?
Thank you in advance.