After a big rush against the certification retired deadline, I was able to achieve the certification requirements:
09-JUN-20 - 1Z0-807 - Exam (80%)
10-JUN-20 - 1Z0-865 - The begnning of the Assignment
13-AUG-20 - The Assignment submission (142)
21-AUG-20 - 1Z0-866 - Essay
I tried to finish all the steps as earlier as possible in order to have a chance to make a resubmission if necessary, but it was in vain. They have only gave me the results today, almost two weeks after the certfication retirement. But, fortunatly, I did not need a second chance.
I am very happy and I want to thank all you guys that have shared yours exam experiences and
java technology knolodge here. A great thank to Adriano Palomino, who have answer my questions and helped me to think clearly and straighforward.