I believe as written this answer is G., as stated n is the package name not the module name. Therefore, correct command should be
java --module-path x -m <module name>/n.c
or if the question stated that the module name and package name were the same then
java --module-path x -m n/n.c
any thoughts?
p.491 ch11 review question 21
21. Which of the following are legal commands to run a modular program where n is the package name and c is the class name? (Choose all that apply.)
A. java –module-path x -m n.c
B. java --module-path x -p n.c
C. java --module-path x -m n/c
D. java --module-path x -p n/c
E. java --module-path x -m n c
F. java --module-path x -p n c
G. None of the above
21. C. The -p option is a shorter form of --module-path. Since the same option cannot be specified twice, options B, D, and F are incorrect. The --module-path option is an alternate form of -p. The module name and class name are separated with a slash, making option C the answer.
Boyarsky, Jeanne. OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer Complete Study Guide (p. 492). Wiley. Kindle Edition.