you should realize is that developing a website with Flask is essentially writing regular Python code with a little bit of ‘website-specific code. Flask is very lightweight; it gives you the essentials, but that’s it — apart from plugins.
To start, you don’t need to know much more than the following:
You create a Flask instance
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__) # don't worry about the __name__ bit for now
Each page is handled by a function, whose route is registered by a decorator
def index():
The app. route bit simply registers the function below to a specific path. It’s an alternative to app.add_url_rule('/', 'index', index). It’s just telling the app to refer to the index function whenever a user requests ‘/’.
Each of these functions can render a website using the data that you got using ‘regular Python’
import datetime
from flask import render_template
def index():
current_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
You need a templates/index.html file which is written using Jinja2. This is regular HTML mixed with a specific syntax for logic and to use the data that ‘was sent to’ the template using the render_template function.
<title>My website
{{ current_dt.strftime("%H:%M" }} # using a custom filter would be better, but is out of the scope of this answer
You run your development server
And that’s it. Your first Flask website shows the current time. Everything else just expands on this basis.
I hope this will help you