I am working on Gemstone International assignment, in the given business domain model, they have provided
1. Buyer and Supplier
2. SellOrder and BuyOrder
3. SemipreciousStone and PreciousStone ( again 3 sub classes for each of these two)
Practically I would go with a super class example User and have 2 subclasses Buyer and Supplier. One parent class Order with child classes SellOrder and Buy Order and One superClass Stone, then 2 subclasses Precious and SemiPrecious and gain 3 sub classes for these two.
But as they have given them as separate classes with out parent class (User,Order,Stone) , I doubt if I am on right track, I mean is my thought process right or do I have to just go a head with provided classes as is?
And one more question is: If I take super class Order with some attributes stoneName,qty,price and orderType where orderType refers to an Enumeration with {"Sell" ,"Buy"} so the difference between the 2 child clases buyOrder and SellOrder is only the attribute value of orderType. In that case do I really need 2 subclasses, with out having any new attributes/operations on top of parent class?
I really appreciate your inputs here. Thanks in advance.
Aparna Mudireddy
[email protected]
317 263 4653