I'm guessing that you're using Circuit Python. I moved this question to the Arduino forum, although it's possible that you're using a Raspberry Pi. I just happen to use the DHT units on Arduinos - although in Arduino's C++ like language, not Python.
The round() function takes a numeric value (humidity) and rounds it to a specified number of decimal places. And actually, that code is defective, because it's treating temperature and humidity as the same thing. In this case, since you passed the value 2 to ReadTemperature, it rounds the humidity (!!!) to 2 decimals, then returns it as a "temperature".
The proper code should be like this:
I don't know what generally-accepted name formation rules are for Python, but I always use either C-like (read_temperature) or Java-like (readTemperature). Beginning a name with a capital letter is usually something only done for classnames and constant names (which are generally all upper-case).
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