1) What I worked on yesterday ?
2) What I will work on today?
3) Any impediments?
The best thing to do here is tell people what you did yesterday
Stephan van Hulst wrote:
In your example of an impediment, you said you didn't have access to create lambda functions and that you expect 16 hours delay.
Stephan van Hulst wrote:And why haven't you told what you are doing to handle the impediment, or haven't asked for help?
Stephan van Hulst wrote:The scrum master only moderates, and it's their job to tell you when you're being too specific or not specific rough.
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:
Stephan van Hulst wrote:The scrum master only moderates, and it's their job to tell you when you're being too specific or not specific rough.
Right. But being good professionals we should not wait for them tell , we ourself should also know that what's the good way.
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Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:[ For the impediment, I'd prefer "There is an impediment that I do not have access to create lambda function.Does anyone have access or know how to request it?"
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:communicate in a way that fits the meeting better.
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Jeanne Boyarsky wrote: standup is for the team
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote: standup is for the team
What does this mean ?
The purpose of the Daily Scrum is to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal and adapt the Sprint Backlog as necessary, adjusting the upcoming planned work.
The Daily Scrum is a 15-minute event for the Developers of the Scrum Team. To reduce complexity, it is held at the same time and place every working day of the Sprint. If the Product Owner or Scrum Master are actively working on items in the Sprint Backlog, they participate as Developers.
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:
Note what this quote says about the audience. The meeting is for the developers.
Daily Scrum is a 15-minute event for the Developers
The purpose of the Daily Scrum is to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal and adapt the Sprint Backlog as necessary, adjusting the upcoming planned work.
Dave Tolls wrote:What Jeanne says.
You are not reporting to the scrum master (a common misconception, it has to be said).
You are keeping the team informed about where you're at with your work.
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:
Dave Tolls wrote:What Jeanne says.
You are not reporting to the scrum master (a common misconception, it has to be said).
You are keeping the team informed about where you're at with your work.
Do you means the developers and not scrum master will do the below ?
"purpose of the Daily Scrum is to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal and adapt the Sprint Backlog as necessary, adjusting the upcoming planned work"
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Junilu Lacar wrote: without any mention of who on the team needs to collaborate with whom.
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote: and make adjustments as needed.
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote: and make adjustments as needed.
Adjustments like ?
Junilu Lacar wrote:
If they find a story is too big, they may split it into two or more stories and move some of them out of the sprint, for example. Or if they are doing well, they can pull in another story.
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:
Is below a right example on how one should update the status for an example user story to create REST API to read data and then upload it on S3 using Lambda function?
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:So this will be done by the developers.But if every developer starts speaking on this then there would be too many opionions.Shouldnt someone be there to have the final say in case of multiple opinions.
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:
Do you means the developers and not scrum master will do the below ?
"purpose of the Daily Scrum is to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal and adapt the Sprint Backlog as necessary, adjusting the upcoming planned work"
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:
Is below a right example on how one should update the status for an example user story to create REST API to read data and then upload it on S3 using Lambda function?
Yesterday, I worked on task XYZ and implemented the code for API which reads the request.
Today, I will work on the task ABC and implement the lambda function which sends this data to the S3 bucket ?
There is an impediment that I do not have access to create lambda function.Estimate for this is 16 hours.
Junilu Lacar wrote:
We've been working this story (pointing to the story card, say it's the "Create a new order" story, for example) but we can't seem to access the lambda function on S3. We need help figuring this out. Can someone spend some time with us after the standup to look into this? Since this might take at least another day to figure out and test, we might not be able to pick up another story before the sprint ends. Where does that leave us in terms of achieving our sprint goal? Or should we think about dropping one or more stories from this sprint? Let's talk about this in more detail after the standup to discuss our options and replan if necessary.
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:
Junilu Lacar wrote:
We've been working this story (pointing to the story card, say it's the "Create a new order" story, for example) but we can't seem to access the lambda function on S3. We need help figuring this out. Can someone spend some time with us after the standup to look into this? Since this might take at least another day to figure out and test, we might not be able to pick up another story before the sprint ends. Where does that leave us in terms of achieving our sprint goal? Or should we think about dropping one or more stories from this sprint? Let's talk about this in more detail after the standup to discuss our options and replan if necessary.
Yes. But this talks entirely about the impediment part only.
Junilu Lacar wrote:
Case in point: if you think that's the job of the Scrum Master, then you're in the Bizarro World where a Scrum Master is really just doing the work of a traditional Project Manager. In that case, you're really doing traditional development, not Scrum.
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:
What kind of things may he do to improve the effectiveness of team ?
Junilu Lacar wrote:
Coach them that the daily standup is not a status meeting but a daily planning meeting.
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:
Junilu Lacar wrote:
Coach them that the daily standup is not a status meeting but a daily planning meeting.
But this is something developers should already be knowing and even if they have to be told this , it is a one time job to tell this.
Junilu Lacar wrote:it takes a while for developers to get it and they often fall back to a comfort zone of not being self-organizing and just giving a status to somebody. This is so deeply ingrained in some people's psyche that takes a while to undo and replace with a different mindset.
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:Once one understands it once it is upto his level of professionalism to continue doing that or fall back.
Junilu Lacar wrote: Retrospectives, collaborating, making work visible, focusing on quality, etc. There are so many ways teams and team members can behave that is counter to agility. A scrum master's job is never done.
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:What does making work visible mean here?
An astute Scrum Master can point out when code reviews are happening later than when they are most effective, which is what typically happens when teams don't collaborate and do things like TDD/BDD. The Scrum Master can point out these types of waste and coach the team or find a coach to help them adopt TDD/BDD and other practices that make code reviews more timely and effective.For quality what I understand is that code reviews by team leader or developers would help produce better code. In what way would the scrum master help with this ?
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:I invest in coaching new people on how to communicate better.
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