Hello Chandra
Let me see whether I can help you out little bit more.
Answer to your question about port number:
9090 is the port used for opening your admin console when you want to use admin console coming with your wsad test environment or WAS External Server.
9080 is the transport port for internal http server..
2809 is the bootstrap port number for naming service.
Now, lets get into your development environment concern and deployment concern.
You mentioned that you have WSAD and WAS. Do this following step by step.
1. First Open WSAD, go to Help menu, naviage to find out Create Entperprise Application with WSAD. Keep it open.
2. Create an Enterprise Project from WSAD. (File - New - Project - J2EE- > Enterprise Project
3. Create a Web project. File -> New -> Project -> Web -> Webproject. Make sure you are selecting the Enterprise Application project you just created above
4. Create a html or jsp page directly under your web project under the folder "Web component" and call it as index.html or index.jsp
Now you have enough stuff to create a web project to test everything.
If you want to know how to build everything
build these stuff by Project - > Rebuild All or build all
5. Now you need to see how you can see your jsp running in a server.
best and standard way to do is by creating urself a server configuration ..
Window ->Open Perspective -> Server (if not listed, click on other -> Server Perspective)
6. Go to the server perspective down below on the left corner
Right click on Servers- > New -> Server and Server Configuration.
Give any name u want, and select Websphere version 5 ->test Environent
If you click next, you will see the port number as 9080.
Just click finish.
7. Now you will see the server created with your new name u gave.
you need to add your project to this server first.
Under servers, right click on the Server you just created, -> Add - > your project.
8. You are all set. Now lets run your jsp.
Right click on the jsp page under web component, select from the pop up menu, "Run On Server". As you already attached the project (EAR project) to the new server you created, it will just run automatically on that server and you will see the server starting...etc.. and see your first jsp page running..
Now, if you need to deploy ur EAR project in external Websphere,
File -> Export -> Ear file - > select the project.
Select the folder where you want to export this ear file to and select the enterprise application project.
Take that ear file and deploy it in websphere 5 using admin console or wsadmin $AdminApp install options
Fine? let me know if you are stuck up.. dont spoil ur brain with this things.. May be I will be able to assist you...
SCEA, IBMC WAS 5.0,4.0,3.5, WSAD4.0,5.0
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