Do I HAVE to use ejbql for the finders of my
ejb 2.0 entity beans ?
Here is my problem. I am using ejb 2.0 and WSAD 5.0 as development environment.
1) I have a Department bean in the OrgEJB project.
2) I have User and UserDept beans in the UserEJB project
Note:- Department, User and UserDept are also database table names. The UserDept table maps users to departments.
I want to find out all departments of a given user.
i.e a finder off Department EJB(actually Home interface) called findByUserId(int userId)
The SQL I would use is:
SELECT * FROM department d WHERE d.dept_no IN (SELECT ud.dept_no FROM UserDept ud where ud.user_id = ?
WSAD allowed to define where clause finders in ejb 1.1*. The "finders" section in the Deployment descriptor gui enabled you to define only the where clause.
But in ejb 2.0 projects, the deployment descriptor gui only allows you to define EJBQL based finders.
My questions:
1) How do I write the above SQL command in EJBQL so that my finder can use it ?
2) If the solution is to use CMR, my beans are in different projects. How can I set up CMR between them.
Appreciate all the help I can get.