What may cause a connexion to a Cloudscape db deployed in
test environnment fail in WSAD 5.0?
I've created a connexion under folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\Cyril\Bureau\Mes_docs\websphere\MessagingCenter\Web Content\WEB-INF\databases\UserDB
and specified no userID nor password during creation of the connexion.
In a
servlet , I've tried to get the connexion to the db by standard way:
and also with pooled connexion:
but in both case, the connexion fails..
I have no more idea to fix the problem..
I've the book of Gary Craig and Peter Jakob devoted to certification test 285.
p.346, they use a pooling connection with the following code:
I think it's a generic code to apply to a db that need a login"userid" and a password "password". But in my case, i've specified none of them during the creation of the connexion, so:
must be sufficient, no?
I would be very grateful for any assistance,