Hello all!
My name is Ivan Mirchev and I am a Back-end Software Engineer. I am also into teaching and creating online courses and that's what this topic is all about.
I noticed that over the internet there's a relatively high demand on quality practice tests/mock exams for the
VMware Spring Professional Certification exam - EDU-1202.
I myself had struggles and asked here in one of the topics for decent ones, where I can
test myself and see "where I am at", before trying to pass the real thing, because after all, it's not cheap.
I've bought and tried almost every practice tests there are and they lack one or more of the few important things:
- Being up to date
- Following the topics of the exam
- Being clearly asked and avoiding ambiguity, so that the student concentrate on the answers and not wondering "What exactly is the question here"
- Being in the context of the exam itself, meaning that many ask some unrelated and very detailed stuff, which are not in this exams nature
- Not being hard enough or at least close to the difficulty of the real exam
- And the most important one for me
not detailed enough and often no explanations at all and references to acquire more information
For me a good practice test should match the criteria listed above, or at least most of them.
That's why after I successfully passed the exam I decided to create my own practice tests.
I started working on them as soon as I passed the exam, so I can remember how the questions were asked, how difficult were they approximately, what is the general form, etc.
To be honest I think I did pretty good work.
The thing that I am most proud of is that on each question I've provided detail explanation on the topic for it, so that the one trying to pass the exam gains some knowledge, even if he/she got the correct answer.
Further more, I've provided reference links to documentation, articles, etc., so that if by some reason my explanations are not good enough for you, you can just click the link and see other sources of information.
For me the biggest gain of practice exams is exactly that - acquiring some knowledge that was missing when you studied watching videos or reading books or articles.
I've posted the mock exams on the Udemy platform, so they are easily accessible. Further more, Udemy provides
30 days money back guarantee, so if I don't match the expectations you can always ask for a refund easily.
Here is a referral link to my course:
VMWare Spring Professional Certification Mock Exams
I know that many of you will not be very inclined to buy course without many reviews or buyers, but I encourage you to give it a chance, as I think you will learn a lot and as I said, you lose nothing.
If any questions arise I will be happy to answer here or on personal message