Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what to do here because as a rule, I use the WSAD
test environment for development and then publish to a websphere server for testing.
I can tell you that you could normally export an EAR file from WSAD by right clicking the EAR file project and selecting export (or use
ANT to build the EAR). Then use the WebSphere Admin console or the wsadmin scripting tool to do the install.
My first step would be to remove the project from the WSAD remote server project. Go to the server perspective, make sure the server configuration window is open (if not go to window--> show view). Right click on the remote server/configuration entry and remove the project. Then go ahead and shut down WSAD.
After that I'd try to install the EAR file clean on WAS. If it is already installed, try to remove it. This probably will not work since it does not recognize it in the configuration. But I'd do it anyway just to make sure it was off. Then try to install it again.
That's how I'd tackle it without knowing what any of the errors are or having the logs anyway.