Hello Raghu,
Yes we do discuss what happens when you build your app and how it gets installed on your app. We have a small amount of information on testing and how to publish your app to a store, but sadly (at 890 pages!) we couldn't afford to give it a huge amount of space.
We did a course for O'Reilly Media about a year or so ago on Android Internals, and that went into a *huge* amount of depth about how source code becomes JVM bytecode, which becomes Dalvik code, then an APK, then gets on-the-fly compiled into ARM machine code on the device itself. That's a level of detail we could never include in a book like HFAD, but if O'Reilly became convinced there was a demand for it, I'm sure they'd be happy for it to be run again
On testing, Google do provide quite good documentation for the fundamentals:
Compose Testing is a little different and is built on the semantic infrastructure: