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Scott Winkler wrote:
The world of Terraform has changed a lot even since I wrote the book. But I feel it is still the best resource available for someone wishing to improve their skills with Terraform. The HashiCorp documentation is great, but scattered. Other books and video courses don't go into enough depth. The reason this book is valuable is because it is highly opinionated and providers the reader a distinct learning path to becoming an advanced Terraform user.
I hope this answers your question.
I see that the book is from May 2021, but of course the editing phase takes its time - how up to date would you say the book is? Is there a particular version you would say that the book covers up to?
Also, as far as integration with other infrastructure as Code tools (Chef, Ansible, etc) do you cover that in the book - and talk about what aspects of the CI/CD pipeline you would "relinquish" to what tools?
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