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I'm not super familiar with Unity, but doesn't it have a built-in gravity simulator? You don't have to perform the transformation yourself. I think you just disable gravity for your platforms, and after a certain delay after you've touched the platform, you simply enable gravity for the platform and Unity will work its magic.
With that out of the way, how do you implement the fall delay? You need some sort of container that holds the current delay and that is accessible from your platforms. To do this, you can create a
ScriptableObject class in your Assets directory that encapsulates your game state:
In your inspector, create an instance of this asset from the right-click menu.
You should be able to set initial values for the various properties of your new game object.
You can then use this game object from your platform behavior:
So how and when do you call the
DecreaseDelay() method? I recommend adding another object to your scene and adding a component to your object that periodically decreases the fall delay: