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  • Campbell Ritchie
  • Tim Cooke
  • paul wheaton
  • Jeanne Boyarsky
  • Ron McLeod
  • Paul Clapham
  • Liutauras Vilda
  • Devaka Cooray
Saloon Keepers:
  • Tim Holloway
  • Roland Mueller

JavaRanch Journal May 2022

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T h e . C o d e R a n c h . J o u r n a l

May 2022 Edition

Howdy from all the CodeRanch staff, and welcome to the May 2022 edition of the Journal.

Last month, Liutauras quoted a thread where somebody disagreed with me and I gave him a cow. What is wrong with that? The whole idea of a forum is to stimulate discussion and we learn the most from seeing different opinions and from people who disagree with us.

I n t e r e s t i n g . C o d e R a n c h . F o r u m . T o p i c s
We had two book promotions in May, two‑and‑a‑half if you include that starting on 31st May. Congratulations to those who won the books
The first promotion welcomed Jeanne Boyarsky and Scott Selikoff, both well‑known to us at Coderanch. Jeanne is a Java Champion and leads a robotics group in NYC, and Scott leads a Java Users group. They have written several books for those learning for the Sun and Oracle certification exams, and their most recent book came out in May and four lucky people, Gabi Maxim, Shaik Ashish, Charles O'Leary, and Aurelian Rosca, won copies.
The second promotion was for a Manning LiveProject, which comes in five parts, and Steven Solomon came to discuss his work. How do you update a shopping website? This produced some very interesting discussions, which I am quoting here. (That is why I am discussing the book promotions so early.) If you are at all interesting in TDD (Test‑Driven Development), it is worth having a look at the Testing Forum because there are too many threads to mention here. Congratulations to Junilu Lacar, Geoff McKay, Gibran Castillo, and Tim Holloway.
The third promotion ran this week for DevOps tools; Raul Rios, Junilu Lacar, Lloyd Hatch, and Tim Holloway were successful, but sometimes winners pass on their book to a runner‑up.

Let's have a look at some of our recent threads:-
  • A user new to CodeRanch asked about how difficult TDD could be to people not familiar with Spring
  • One of our senior moderators, Junilu Lacar, who has an interest in TDD, discusses the processes and thoughts behind it. How do you start thinking TDD?
  • We started off with some code which we didn't like the style of, and Stephan van Hulst shows how it can be improved greatly.
  • Where's Lombok? Isn't it like Java, an island in the Indonesia? It is also a project to speed up coding by using annotations to make the compiler create a certain type of code. We started off in this thread looking at what records are (Java16+, I think), and most of us said how much we like them. We also said how much we dislike Project Lombok.
  • Will this particular thread fulfil its potential? It seems to be a test to find the shortesst array such that each of its elements, converted to a power of two, will give a particular total. Will the OP disappear, or shall we see lots of elegant answers. Actually, after a bit of thought, it is quite easy to produce an elegant and straightforward answer. Would it work for powers of three? Can you solve this without useing the usual arithmetic operators +-*/%? should we mods who have ideas about those solutions post them?

  • We are thinking of running online teaching events. What sort of topics do people think we should present?

    We hope to have some more promotions coming up. Check the Book Promotions Schedule.
    Next week, Quarkus Cookbook,
    And the week after that, practice questions for the Java17 Cert exam.

    B o o k s . a n d . R e v i e w s

    We have several forums dedicated to talk about books. Here are some interesting reviews and recommendations from the CodeRanch staff in our Book Reviews forum.

    The Book Review Grid will give you an overview.

    Editor's book choice for the month:
  • Some of us had to learn Java8 on top of older versions when it came out. I hope new learners learn the more modern forms of Java® from day one, but maybe people will still need help. Do you want to know how to use a Comparator for sorting a Stream, how to make a local variable effectively final, whether to use map() or flatMap(), how to stream “random” numbers, how to make a file into a Stream, how to change dates, what a Future is, an introduction to Modules, or what the dreadful generic signatures in the java.util.function package mean? Ken Kousen, in Modern Java Recipes (O'Reilly, Sebastopol CA: 2017) will tell you all those things and many more. I have a copy which I found easy to read and clear to understand. It' not an introduction to Java8, let alone a Java® beginner's book, but it shows small examples of how to solve those common problems.

  • C o d e R a n c h . S t a f f
    We work together to make sure this website runs smoothly, discussing what to do about particular problems, and sharing experience and knowledge.

    A special thanks this month to the following members...
  • Marshals: Campbell Ritchie :: Ron McLeod :: Paul Clapham :: Liutauras Vilda :: Tim Cooke
  • Sheriffs: Junilu Lacar :: Jeanne Boyarsky :: Henry Wong
  • Saloon Keepers: Tim Moores :: Tim Holloway :: Stephan van Hulst :: Carey Brown :: Piet Souris
  • Bartenders: Himai Minh :: Frits Walraven

  • C o d e R a n c h . N e i g h b o u r s

  • Paul Wheaton ran a kickstarter recently to fund a film/DVD about the Rocket Mass Heater (RMH). The RMH is very efficient at converting fuel to heat, but how difficult would it be to install it in an existing building, and would it be permissible under different countries' building regulations?

  • T h i s . M o n t h ' s . E d i t o r

    Campbell Ritchie - a sheriff. If he has been busy on the Ranch, he gets promoted to Marshall. He has settled in Northern England for the last ⅓ century, whence it is possible to get out on two wheels into the Yorkshire Moors, the Yorkshire Dales, and the Northumberland National Parks on two wheels, eat as many sandwiches as he can carry, and still not get fatter. And not bother about the price of petrol!

    S u g g e s t i o n s / F e e d b a c k

    If you have any feedback on this month's journal then feel free to create a topic in our Ranch Office.

    J o u r n a l . A r c h i v e

    Our previously published journals you can find here.
    Weeds: because mother nature refuses to be your personal bitch. But this tiny ad is willing:
    Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater
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