I am a newbie to both Portal development and IBM WebSphere platform. Currently engaged in developing my company Portal using IBM WebSphere Portal Server. Just read this from book that: Make sure you download and use portlets meant for WebSphere Portal Server V4.1 [1]. Now before installing WS Portal Server, how I can estimate which WebSphere Portal Server Vesrion I need for developing portal of my company? OR in other words, on which factors choice of version depends?
This book was written on an older version of the WebSphere Portal Server product. The latest version of the product that is available is WebSphere Portal Server V5.0.2.1. From your query I am not sure which version you have. Anyway if you are starting new, I would recoomend you start with using the latest version. Even though this book was written on the older version, lot of the concepts are still applicable. Besides the above book, you can find a ton of articles on Portal Server at the following URL :
http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/zones/portal/ . Hope I have answered your question.