We've just released JForum 2.8.1, which contains a number of small fixes and improvements that we've made over the last 7 months.
Various font and background colors can be configured at runtime from the Configurations page. So if you ever disliked some particular color JForum used, chances are you can now change it without even the need of a restart.More control over image attachments from the Configurations pageOptimize Recent Topics and Hot Topics for large installations. Large meaning at least 100.000 posts before it will make a difference.Fixed an issue where the last visited time on the forum home page was not actually reflecting that, but the time of the last session startSwitch optional Google Analytics integration from analytics.js to gtag.jsFixed a CSRF vulnerabilityAs always, many dependencies haven been updated to the latest versions.
A full list of new features is at
https://sourceforge.net/p/jforum2/wiki2/NewFeatures281/, upgrade instructions are at
https://sourceforge.net/p/jforum2/wiki2/UpgradingFrom280to281/ and you can download it from
https://sourceforge.net/projects/jforum2/files/. The documentation is at
All feedback is welcome, preferably in our
discussion forums.