posted 2 years ago
It turns out that the eclipse plugin for Maven was retired in 2015 and has not been maintained since. I don't upgrade my copy of Maven very often, and it's likely that my copy of the plugin downloaded long ago and still lives there since Maven doesn't have an automatic archive cleaning mechanism.
The recommended alternative to the Maven Eclipse plugin is the Eclipse m2e plugin for Eclipse itself, available from the Eclipse Marketplace (on the Help menu, as I recall).
So forget Maven command-line goals beginning with "eclipse:", they are no longer supported. Use Eclipse itself. And the "mvn clean" on the command line.
In place of running "mvn eclipse:eclipse" to convert a Maven project for Eclipse support, just import the Maven project into Eclipse. If it gives you any trouble, I believe that there's a "convert to Maven" option on the Project Context Menu. If m2e is installed.
Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.