There is no such thing as a final object, but only a final reference to an object. That means the reference can only point to that one object and the reference cannot be changed. It does not however mean you can't change the state of that object. Only design of its originating class can prevent an object from changing its state: make that object immutable.That code will change the object pointed to by that reference (or it will whenever you correct the syntax error).That code will attract the attention of the compiler and line 3 will fail to compile.Sami radwan wrote:What I understand is the when we declare object as a final its value would not be changed. . . .
Sami radwan wrote:all my objects should be declared final?
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
fred wrote: If you make your "person" reference final, you are writing the address in ink - it cannot be changed later. That's not to say you can't go to the house the address points to and paint it a new color...
Really? I was taught object‑oriented programming without using final variables as a beginner. I had the good fortune to be taught be somebody who understood objects.Sami radwan wrote:. . . But that seems to be an advanced topic for a beginner. . . .
Please tell us where those tutorials are. I have seen few tutorials on YouTube that I have thought are really good.In Kotlin language I see most tutorials . . .
Stephan van Hulst wrote:For local variables, it's mostly a matter of taste. I don't like applying the final keyword to local variables because it makes the application unnecessarily wordy, for minimal benefit.
Stephan van Hulst wrote:
For local variables, it's mostly a matter of taste. I don't like applying the final keyword to local variables because it makes the application unnecessarily wordy, for minimal benefit.
Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.
Java® tends to be a very wordy language anyway. Just one of those things we need to get used to.Tim Holloway wrote:. . . "final" is unnecessarily wordy . . .
No, final prevents reassignment, but it is different when applied to classes or methods. And const can be used to prevent the contents of a pointer changing, but there is no mechanism to convert a mutable reference type to immutable. I know some people will disagree with me, but I think that is as it should be.Also note that Java doesn't use "const". "final" is not quite the same thing.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:No, final prevents reassignment, but it is different when applied to classes or methods. And const can be used to prevent the contents of a pointer changing, but there is no mechanism to convert a mutable reference type to immutable. I know some people will disagree with me, but I think that is as it should be.
Depending on where the keyword const appears, it can make the contents of the pointer it points t read‑only, as Stephan said, or make the pointer (not its contents) fixed. You can of course use const twice to get both features. I am not sure of the syntax.Paul Clapham wrote:. . . So, suppose you create an object X and assign it to a const variable A. So now it's immutable. . . .
Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.
Sami radwan wrote:I see. But that seems to be an advanced topic for a beginner. So as beginner all my objects should be declared final? For example, In Kotlin language I see most tutorials when they creating objects they use val not var which means that the reference is final even in introductory tutorials.
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