I feel ready to take my exam so I started the process by going to the
https://education.oracle.com/ website, selected the "OCI and Technology Exam" Oracle Technology Exam Subscription, and paid the £196 plus taxes fee. I received an email saying "Your order is currently being processed. No further action is required at this time. In approximately 1-2 business days you'll receive an email with the subject line 'Your Oracle University Order has been received'". Then there is a button to check the status of my order. As it has now been 2 business days, I clicked on the button and it says my order has been approved and "Order Created OK".
However, I cannot find the email titled 'Your Oracle University Order has been received', not even in my spam folder, so I can't see how to book a date and time for my exam. Maybe there is a backlog of people booking exams at the moment? How long does it typically take? I'm hoping to be able to take my exam before the Christmas holidays, if possible.
I've tried searching online for guidance on the booking process, but nearly all the pages I found are related to the old process when Pearson Vue was still the exam provider. Now it seems that Oracle are running the exams in-house.