Standard disclaimer: I do not recommend using Legacy Hibernate anymore. Use Hibernate JPA. They are very similar, but Hibernate JPA uses EntityManager instead of Session and JPQL instead of HQL. And JPA is part of the
JEE standard, which Legacy Hibernate is not.
For either version of Hibernate, however, the process is the same. Annotate your Entity objects with relationship definitions. Like so:
Empleados should then have have a @ManyToOne property that corresponds to the Primary Key of their Departmento table Entity object.
When you save or update Departmento, in the same transaction
you should also save or update its Empeados.
That is a crude outline of the process and I recommend you get a good book on Hibernate to help you. But I suppose the thing you must know is that HQL/JPQL is not used to save or update. The "Q" stands for Query and that's all that it does.
As far as queries go, though, you can retrieve the Empleado list automatically if you have a FetchType of "EAGER" when you fetch the Departmento. If you have FetchType of "LAZY", the Empleados will be loaded when you explicitly invoke "getEmpleados". That, also, is an over-simple explanation, though.