My understanding is that the
jsp:usebean tag should instantiate a bean if it can not find it. However the code generated from jps in wsad 5.1 throws an execption in that case. Is this wrong or am I misunderstanding. I came across this after I realized that usebean tags failed unless I used the
IDE to generate them.
// end
// begin [file="/iteratorTest.jsp";from=(25,0);to=(26,53)]
test.stubs.iterator.TestList tableTest = null;
boolean _jspx_specialtableTest = false;
synchronized (session) {
tableTest= (test.stubs.iterator.TestList)
if (tableTest == null)
throw new java.lang.InstantiationException ("bean tableTest not found within scope ");
if(_jspx_specialtableTest == true) {
// end
// HTML // begin [file="/iteratorTest.jsp";from=(26,53);to=(27,0)]