I'm using Websphere Application Studio to build a websigning webservice. I made my session bean D2SPDFSigner but the compilation failes.
Websphere Studio says the following (general error):
The content of element type "ejb-jar" must match "(description?,display-name?,small-icon?,large-icon?,enterprise-beans,relationships?,assembly-descriptor?,ejb-client-jar?)".ejb-jar.xmlD2SSignServer/ejbModule/com/dsoft/server/D2S/webservice/META-INFline 19
My ejb-jar.xml looks as follows:
Does someone has any idea why the compilation fails?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< !DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "
<ejb-jar id="ejb-jar_ID">
<description>This is the single point of contact session of the Web signing service</description>
<display-name>D2S WebSigner bean</display-name>
<session id="D2SPDFSigner">
<description>D2S WebSigning session TOC of webservice</description>
<display-name>D2S WebSigner bean</display-name>
Many thanks in advance,
[email protected]