There are two applications deployed on the Websphere 5.1.1: Application1.ear and Application2.ear.
Application2.ear has a web application Web.war which uses a
servlet filter whose class is in a jar which is in Application1.ear.
How to make the jar from Application1.ear visible to the Web Container for the Web.war. Currently the jar is simply copied from the Application1.ear to the WEB-INF/lib of the web application from Application2.ear.
This is problematic as any update of the jar file requires updating the Application 2.ear. Is there any way to simply "link", add to the web containter classpath's selected jar(s) from other applications?
PS: Putting the jar in the server's classpath or in ws.ext.dirs will not work, as the jar contains references to classes from other jars, and so on. And this will make the jars visible for all the othere applications but I want to make the jar visible just for Application2.ear . Gaaaaaa...