The easiest way to deploy your EAR or WAR is to deploy it through the admin console. The admin console is located @ YOUR_SERVER : PORT/admin
Once you login to the admin console navigate in the tree (left pane) to Applications -->Install applications. From there you could start the install wizard.
You could try
http://webspherecentral.com/ for some tutorials on the WSAD (ie. RAD, ie. ECLIPSE). I haven't checked but they might have some tutorials in regards to WAS.
Finally, WAS requires some setup to use datasources, security, virtual hosts, etc. I would recommend if you are going to use WAS maybe learn about setting up these features. Most (if not all) of these features are setup via the admin console.
NOW.... if someone will answer my question about PORTLETS. Lately, everyone of my questions don't receive any responses.
[ April 27, 2005: Message edited by: Thomas Mcfarrow ]