The first case is understandable, because you are trying to connect from a node that is not part of the administrative domain. The later case (can't connect from the DM node) is indeed confusing.
First verify that the ports are what you think they are:
a. from the admin console (usually
http://yourhostname:9060/admin) verify the ports by going to System administration-->Deployment manager->ports. Take note of the BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS (default is 9809) and SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS (default is 8879). If the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS is not the same number as you thought, our problem is solved! If it is what you thought, perform the following tests:
Try the following, on the DM machine.
a. cd $WAS_HOME/profiles/Dmgr01/bin (assuming that is your DM's profile name).
b. wsadmin with no parameters, if the SOAP port is 8879. If that is not the port, then add -port <your port>
c. also try to connect via RMI: wsadmin -conntype RMI -port 9809 (or whatever your BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS port is).
The only explanation I can conceive for failure to connect from deployment manager is that the port number is wrong. However, If you are trying to connect from an application profile on the same machine as DM, then that node must not have been added to the administrative domain (via This would be similar to failure to connect from your build machine.
Bill Lasley
Versant Corp. [ May 20, 2005: Message edited by: Bill Lasley ]