For me, the best way to learn was to first read the EE tutorials, and then to read the various Jakarta EE specs, and try them out on practice projects.
Here is the tutorial:
Here you can find the specs:
You don't really need to read the specifications from front to back. Read the tables of contents to find out what a specification is about, and read the parts that you are interested in, or need for a project. You can always refer back to them when you need to know something specific. I don't have the specs memorized, I have to consult them on almost every project I work on.
Naturally, what specs you're going to need depend on the project you'll be working on, but I find that I mostly consult the following specs.
Backend stuff:
Jakarta ServletJakarta Contexts and Dependency InjectionJakarta Dependency InjectionJakarta Enterprise Beans
Web APIs:
Jakarta RESTful Web ServicesJakarta JSON BindingJakarta XML BindingJakarta Bean Validation
Web pages:
Jakarta MVCJakarta Server PagesJakarta Expression Language
Other important considerations:
Jakarta SecurityJakarta Persistence