J2EE Guru's,
I am getting some problems in looking up my beans local home interface(Details under), however when I look up the remote home interface its fine. Please look into my problem when you have a minute. Appreciate your help.
---------------------------------- Details -------------------- 1. I have 2 beans, one stateful, other stateless and both have remote and local interfaces
2. I can access both using remote interfaces but not using local interfaces
3. However TestClient works fine for both Remote and Local interfaces:
Followings are the urls TestClient looks up: Stateless Bean remote Interface: http://localhost:9080/UTC/jndiLookup?name=com/selectica/configejb/CxConfigStatelessHome&random=0.032660621190745975 Stateless Bean LocalInterface: http://localhost:9080/UTC/jndiLookup?name=local:/ejb/com/selectica/configejb/CxConfigStatelessHome&random=0.32728747419322335 In my client program I used following JNDI: I. For looking up remote home : com/selectica/configejb/CxConfigStatelessHome (Works OK)
II. For Looking up local home: local:ejb/com/selectica/configejb/CxConfigStatelessHome (
throws following exception)
javax.naming.ConfigurationException: NamingManager.getURLContext cannot find the factory for this scheme: local
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at GetServiceProgramsLocal.getEJBObjectHandle(
at GetServiceProgramsLocal.main(
4. My Client module and ejb module are in same .ear.
5. I have created local references (Deployment descriptor is pasted below)
Some more Details: Look up Code:
private static CxConfigLocalStateless getEJBObjectHandle() throws NamingException, CreateException, RemoteException {
CxConfigLocalStateless config = null;
final InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); // get initial context
final CxConfigLocalStatelessHome home = (CxConfigLocalStatelessHome) ic.lookup("local:ejb/com/selectica/configejb/CxConfigStatelessHome");
config = (CxConfigLocalStateless)home.create();
return config;
Deployment Descriptor: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< !DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "">
<ejb-jar id="ejb-jar_ID">
<session id="Session_1076368683641">
<env-entry id="EnvEntry_1076368726516">
<env-entry id="EnvEntry_1076368726517">
<env-entry id="EnvEntry_1076368726518">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_1129752409153">
<session id="Session_1076368683642">
<env-entry id="EnvEntry_1076368726531">
<env-entry id="EnvEntry_1076368726532">
<env-entry id="EnvEntry_1076368726533">
<ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_1129752409223">
<assembly-descriptor id="AssemblyDescriptor_ID">
<container-transaction id="MethodTransaction_1076368726531">
<method id="MethodElement_1076368726547">
[ October 21, 2005: Message edited by: Sakti Singh ]