Mikalai Zaikin wrote:Hello Luka,
[please do not consider this reply as a request for a free course]
I like your commitment and willingness to help Java exam students, the only concern I have -- why you put 2 very different exams in a single training?
OCA 8 is very different from OCP Java 17. What is the idea? I do not want to discourage you, maybe just consider splitting into two more focused courses?
Good luck with your plans!
Swayam Badhe wrote:Hey,
I am preparing for JAVA OCP and your course will be very beneficial for me!!
Can I have the link please?
Radu Botanel wrote:Hello, thank you for your courses and your willingness to help others
I am preparing for Java 11 certification, I have to go for Java 11 because at my company we use it and the managers told me that it would be nice to have it.
If you think your courses will help me, I would love to have a link to them.
Thank you very much and good luck!
Luka Popov wrote:
Radu Botanel wrote:Hello, thank you for your courses and your willingness to help others
I am preparing for Java 11 certification, I have to go for Java 11 because at my company we use it and the managers told me that it would be nice to have it.
If you think your courses will help me, I would love to have a link to them.
Thank you very much and good luck!
I don't see why would anyone go for Java 11, since Java 17 is the latest LST version. And for the exam, Java 11 is just part of Java 17, the only real difference is that Java 17 exam adds some cool new Java 17 features, like records and sealed classes. So yes, you can use my course to prepair for Java 11 exam, but I really think you should speak to your employers and persuade them to go for Java 17.
I'll send you the link in the PM.
R.J. Arzki wrote:
Based on the same logic I don't understand why you offer (or advocate) an OCA certification course. The OCA is very old (especially the one for 8). It sounds like you are advocating that one needs to get the OCA before the OCP, which is not true. It's misleading in my opinion.
best of luck though.
Eric Manaois wrote:If you still have free links for the course it will help me in my studies.
Thank you.
Dario Nieva Pastoriza wrote:Hi Luka, greetings from Argentina. I was reading the OCP Study Guide and I saw this website the Acknowledgments section. Now I'm here reading your post and I think it would be nice to me to get this course. Do you have a free link for the course or it's over. Anyway, well done sharing your course
Welcome to the RanchJb Quinn wrote:Hi Luka . . .
Luka Popov wrote:Hello everyone.
It has been couple of months since I've passed my OCP (1Z0-829) exam and became Java 17 Oracle Certified Professional. And 2 years before that I've earned my Oracle Certified Associate badge (see my LinkedIn profile). Now it's my time to help others to do the same.
So I've created a single Udemy course which can prepare a candidate for both OCA and OCP exams. At the time of this post, only OCA part is finished, and I expect the OCP chapters to be completed by the end of July 2023. For that reason I am giving the course at lowest possible price, untill it's completely finished.
Anyway, here is the course: Java Certification Exam Prep: OCA (1Z0-808) & OCP (1Z0-829)
Since this is a fresh new course, I am willing to give out this course for free during the next few days. All you need to do is to reply to this topic, tell me you want a free course and I will send you a link to enroll for free in the private message. I have only limited amount of free links, so I can not guarantee how long this offer will stand.
For all other questions, I am standing at your disposal.
Luka Popov wrote:Hello everyone.
It has been couple of months since I've passed my OCP (1Z0-829) exam and became Java 17 Oracle Certified Professional. And 2 years before that I've earned my Oracle Certified Associate badge (see my LinkedIn profile).
Anil Philip wrote:
I am concerned about the quality of the course if it has only been a couple of months.
Luka Popov wrote:June discount link (expires in 5 days): https://www.udemy.com/course/java-certification-exam-prep-oca-1z0-808-ocp-1z0-829/?couponCode=1E1C0AE90920603FF743
Jesus Casillas wrote:
Thanks Luka, I just purchased your course and hope to be able to take the first exam later this year.
Tatiana Gonzales wrote:Hey Luka,
I am preparing for JAVA OCP and your course will be so important for me!!
Can I have the link for free, please?
Rajeswari Kannan
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