We have a
J2EE application running on WAS5 over two years without problems.
Recently, we migrate the applcaition to WAS6. Because WAS6 comes with JSTL libraries like jstl.jar and standard.jar with .tld files inside, we removed jstl.jar and standard.jar from /WEB-INF/lib/, all .tld files from /WEB-INF/ and tag library declarations from we.xml. The reason doing those changes is we found out the differences by creating brand new web project in RAD6.
But the problem is after migration the tag library declarations do not work any more. We use a single
jsp file including all the JSTL declarations. The jsps which need JSTL can simply use a static include like
<%@ include file="includes/declarations.jsp" %> to refer to the library. This method has never had problems in the past two years in WAS5.
Because WAS6 comes with JSP2.0, we tried using JSP fragment to incorporate JSTL declarations by defining the fragment with <url-pattern> and <include-prelude> in web.xml, which is supposed to insert the fragment at the beggining of all jsps. By the way, we removed our static include from jsps to avoid confusions. It does not work out either.
Any IBM expert here has suggestions ?