Hey all I have the following
Java code I did in Android Studio that I am needing some help with.
I am needing to be able to load a shared file from my router (It's running OpenWRT/Luci) with the Samba file sharing turned on. I have tested the code out below to make sure it's finding the file and I can confirm It can find it when it checks for
SMB file found? and it comes back
When loading local file:
However, the issue is that when I switch over to getting the SMB video it does not load like the other tests that I did - loading it up from local storage.
When loading from SMB file:
My full code that I am currently using:
testing it out I'm just using the ADB with the correct device number to send a http request to the built in browser:
adb -s 25131HFDD6222C shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d
And like I said, it plays when I test it out loading a local file on the device but wont play when using the SMB file.
What am I missing?