posted 11 months ago
The Qubit Conspiracy Theories chapter is about quantum entanglement. I call it a "conspiracy" because it's as if two (or more) qubits conspire to yield the same value (0 or 1) when they're measured, even if they're several light years apart by the time they're measured. The strange thing about it is, nature doesn't know whether both will measure 0 or both with measure 1 until one of them is actually measured. This possibility bothered Einstein to the point where he thought quantum mechanics was incomplete. An experiment by John Bell has shown Einstein to be wrong about this.
Fun facts about that chapter: (1) I'm really proud of having included an explanation of Bell's experiment in the chapters; (2) My tendency to give chapters goofy names like this comes from my having written many books in Wiley's "For Dummies" series.