Earlier I posted the below topic in
IDE section of javaranch. Haven't got any response. Since this topic is related to WSAD 5.1 I have posted it here to see if I could get any response.
I coded a simple HelloWorld program by creating a
java project in WSAD. I added a datasource in my
Test Server in WSAD. All I was trying to do was access the datasource using JNDI. Standard way of soing it (if it were a
jsp or any
J2EE application ) would be as follows
javax.naming.InitialContext ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/UASSUNILLOCALds");
For some reason Server was trying to read WEB-INF/config/server.properties file and was throwing a FileNotFoundException. I found a similar posting on the net where someone suggested to change the code as follows
1. Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
3. javax.naming.InitialContext ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
4. DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/UASSUNILLOCALds");
And included whole bunch of jar files such as naming.jar, namingclient.jar, wssec.jar, lmproxy.jar, sas.jar, implfactory.jar, ecutils.jar and a implproperties.properties file into the classpath.Now I am able to get the context but I am getting ClassCastException on line 4. The reason is ctx.lookup is returning me the javax.naming.Reference object of DataSource "jdbc/UASSUNILLOCALds". I am using JDK 1.3 and included the classes12.jar oracle driver files.
I need to create a standalone java file which would be run as batch job. If I can access the datasource through JNDI then I could have placed the file as part of bigger application and use the server connection pools etc., But since this didn't work out and I am running out of time, I am planning to use iBatis. If anybody has any suggestions on how to get the issue rectified or any comments on the usage of iBATIS please let me know. I am new to iBTAIS too so not sure if that would work out or not.