And when I try it I get results like this:
con hilos
Fich09.txt --> cuenta: 53410800
Fich23.txt --> cuenta: 53335200
Fich10.txt --> cuenta: 53381400
Fich25.txt --> cuenta: 53335200
Fich22.txt --> cuenta: 53335200
Fich16.txt --> cuenta: 56655000
Fich04.txt --> cuenta: 70978400
Fich21.txt --> cuenta: 53335200
Fich30.txt --> cuenta: 56676000
Fich15.txt --> cuenta: 56655000
Fich27.txt --> cuenta: 56676000
Fich14.txt --> cuenta: 53360400
Fich03.txt --> cuenta: 53497950
Fich19.txt --> cuenta: 56676000
Fich28.txt --> cuenta: 106670400
Fich02.txt --> cuenta: 57833400
Fich06.txt --> cuenta: 70978400
Fich18.txt --> cuenta: 56650800
Fich11.txt --> cuenta: 53340805
Fich05.txt --> cuenta: 83310000
Fich08.txt --> cuenta: 53335200
Fich26.txt --> cuenta: 53335200
Fich17.txt --> cuenta: 56659200
Fich12.txt --> cuenta: 106792200
Fich24.txt --> cuenta: 53335200
Fich20.txt --> cuenta: 109986000
Fich07.txt --> cuenta: 106681610
Fich01.txt --> cuenta: 110044815
Fich13.txt --> cuenta: 110061600
Fich29.txt --> cuenta: 109996850
Tiempo: 1664 ms
Paul Clapham wrote:No, none of that is of any importance. The code you have will terminate after the longest-running thread finishes and no sooner. Think about it -- if Thread 0 is actually the last to finish, then your waiting loop will wait for it to finish and then quickly notice (in essentially zero time) that the others have already finished. This is true regardless of the finishing order of the threads. And the code can't terminate before the longest-running thread does.
Fernando Sanchez wrote:Thank you for the explanation, so one conclussion I should get is that the multithread alternative does not mean better performance in this case. Am I wrong?
When I try the single-thread program it always takes about between 2.5 and 2.9 seconds to end.
On the other hand the multithread alternative is very unpredictable ranging from 0.6 to 57.3 seconds. I don't understand why there can be so very different results.
Paul Clapham wrote:
You shouldn't assume that running a process in multiple threads will automatically run the process faster. It may happen that the threads interfere with each other in some way, or that they cause some problem like running out of resources. Just for example. I notice that your multithreaded version does run faster than the singlethreaded version sometimes, but I have no idea why it sometimes takes much longer. These things can take a long time to investigate.
So far you only output the number of characters processed by each thread. You might find the time each thread takes to run an interesting piece of information.
con hilos
Fich22.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 303
Fich08.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 384
Fich21.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 362
Fich11.txt --> cuenta: 53340805 Tiempo (ms): 399
Fich30.txt --> cuenta: 56676000 Tiempo (ms): 382
Fich03.txt --> cuenta: 53497950 Tiempo (ms): 429
Fich23.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 367
Fich10.txt --> cuenta: 53381400 Tiempo (ms): 448
Fich06.txt --> cuenta: 70978400 Tiempo (ms): 454
Fich27.txt --> cuenta: 56676000 Tiempo (ms): 426
Fich19.txt --> cuenta: 56676000 Tiempo (ms): 419
Fich14.txt --> cuenta: 53360400 Tiempo (ms): 461
Fich24.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 434
Fich17.txt --> cuenta: 56659200 Tiempo (ms): 439
Fich25.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 416
Fich18.txt --> cuenta: 56650800 Tiempo (ms): 453
Fich04.txt --> cuenta: 70978400 Tiempo (ms): 493
Fich15.txt --> cuenta: 56655000 Tiempo (ms): 475
Fich26.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 450
Fich09.txt --> cuenta: 53410800 Tiempo (ms): 499
Fich16.txt --> cuenta: 56655000 Tiempo (ms): 477
Fich02.txt --> cuenta: 57833400 Tiempo (ms): 516
Fich05.txt --> cuenta: 83310000 Tiempo (ms): 532
Fich29.txt --> cuenta: 109996850 Tiempo (ms): 544
Fich12.txt --> cuenta: 106792200 Tiempo (ms): 580
Fich28.txt --> cuenta: 106670400 Tiempo (ms): 549
Fich20.txt --> cuenta: 109986000 Tiempo (ms): 538
Fich13.txt --> cuenta: 110061600 Tiempo (ms): 584
Fich07.txt --> cuenta: 106681610 Tiempo (ms): 596
Fich01.txt --> cuenta: 110044815 Tiempo (ms): 596
Tiempo: 596 ms
con hilos
Fich25.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 316
Fich11.txt --> cuenta: 53340805 Tiempo (ms): 928
Fich08.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 966
Fich19.txt --> cuenta: 56676000 Tiempo (ms): 1221
Fich02.txt --> cuenta: 57833400 Tiempo (ms): 3130
Fich30.txt --> cuenta: 56676000 Tiempo (ms): 3786
Fich24.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 9536
Fich26.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 9684
Fich22.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 10461
Fich14.txt --> cuenta: 53360400 Tiempo (ms): 11606
Fich21.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 13373
Fich18.txt --> cuenta: 56650800 Tiempo (ms): 21601
Fich10.txt --> cuenta: 53381400 Tiempo (ms): 24965
Fich17.txt --> cuenta: 56659200 Tiempo (ms): 25545
Fich15.txt --> cuenta: 56655000 Tiempo (ms): 26892
Fich23.txt --> cuenta: 53335200 Tiempo (ms): 27036
Fich16.txt --> cuenta: 56655000 Tiempo (ms): 27591
Fich04.txt --> cuenta: 70978400 Tiempo (ms): 30947
Fich09.txt --> cuenta: 53410800 Tiempo (ms): 30951
Fich03.txt --> cuenta: 53497950 Tiempo (ms): 34843
Fich06.txt --> cuenta: 70978400 Tiempo (ms): 38185
Fich27.txt --> cuenta: 56676000 Tiempo (ms): 39614
Fich05.txt --> cuenta: 83310000 Tiempo (ms): 48469
Fich01.txt --> cuenta: 110044815 Tiempo (ms): 48973
Fich07.txt --> cuenta: 106681610 Tiempo (ms): 49377
Fich13.txt --> cuenta: 110061600 Tiempo (ms): 52618
Fich20.txt --> cuenta: 109986000 Tiempo (ms): 53745
Fich28.txt --> cuenta: 106670400 Tiempo (ms): 54569
Fich12.txt --> cuenta: 106792200 Tiempo (ms): 55007
Fich29.txt --> cuenta: 109996850 Tiempo (ms): 55014
Tiempo: 55078 ms
Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible - Zappa. Tiny ad:
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