Krish Sivaji wrote:Does scrum differ from agile??
That's a really, really great question!!!
So, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, the co-authors of the Scrum Guide, both signed the Agile Manifesto.
Interestingly though, the
word 'Agile' never appears once in the 2020 Scrum Guide.
Agile is really a
philosophy about how to build software. The Agile Manifesto is about 500 words and just offers values statements and a set of principles like:
We have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and toolsWorking software over comprehensive documentationCustomer collaboration over contract negotiationResponding to change over following a plan
These are guiding ideas and principles, but you could also argue "there's no there there." After all, it doesn't tell you how to do Agile or implement Agile. It's just 500 words offering ideas and values.
Scrum vs Agile
Scrum is a bit more detailed, although the Scrum Guide is only 14 pages long and maybe 5000 words. It's still doesn't tell you everything you need to do to be Agile, but it helps you move towards that goal.
Scrum identifies as an 'incomplete framework', so it really just focuses on some of the ways to get started and keep going in the world of product development, but you still have to fill in the blanks.
Scrum does talk about how to do iterative development and run incremental sprints that:
Start with a short planning meetingInclude Daily ScrumsReview regularly with clientsReflect on team dynamics in the Sprint Retrospective
Scrum really captures some of the events and activites any team that is Agile should be doing, but it leaves a great deal of room for customization.
So Agile is really a philosophy, while Scrum is a product development framework that helps teams put in place a process that will get thing going and keep them continuously delivering useful increments of work to their clients!