posted 1 year ago
Hey Brandon! Thanks for joining me here on the CodeRanch!!!
There are many paths to becoming a Scrum Master. I do know that Scrum is taught in many Project Management courses, so it's common to associate the two concepts.
One thing about Scrum is that it emphasises self-management and self-organization. So to be a great Scrum Master, you must embrace Agile concepts and eschew many traditional management based philosophies. So sometimes to move from Project Manager to Scrum Master, you must unlearn what you already know.
The big thing is that to be a great Scrum Master, you must be enthusiastic about coaching teams and building an environment where everyone collaborates and works together. That's the key to a Scrum Team.
Many project managers are great at that. At the same time, lots of developers who are natural leaders become great Scrum Masters as well.
Just embrace concepts like iterative work cycles, team based product development, self-management and self-organization and you're well on your way to becoming a great Scrum Master!