Allow me to be a bit more verbose. In my web project I have (of course) the default �WebContent� folder which is the
J2ee �Web content folder name� specified in the Web projects properties. The J2ee �Context Root� is �/�.
Now I have a directory under WebContent I�ve called directory1. I�ve also created two files in this directory named file1.xsl & file2.xsl.
Given the above setup the URL for file1.xsl locally is (for any XML file who wishes to use file1.xsl for its transformation):
http://localhost:9080/directory1/file1.xsl Likewise if I want to include file2.xsl into file1.xsl I merely need to add into the stylesheet:
<xsl:include href="/directory1/file2.xsl"/>
This works just dandy when it transforms in the browser; however, when I select �Run Validation� from the context menu of file1.xsl the Problem view now reports:
�Had IO Exception with stylesheet file: /directory1/file2.xsl�
Now back in the good-old-days of WSAD all I had to do is set the �Context Path� in the XSL Debugging preferences (see
thread start post). This option has since vanished. There appears to be no way to correctly configure XSL Validation (NOT execution).