Hello folks,
First off, I'd like to express my gratitude for your insights so far.
To my understanding, HTML has been the preferred format for data
exchange between the server and the client when using HTMX. For instance, if there's a need to display a list of items to the user, the server would typically format this information into HTML and send it over as such.
I'm curious to gather your thoughts on this matter, especially in the context of how JSON has changed the interaction between the backend and frontend. With JSON, the backend doesn't need to concern itself with how the data will be presented. The same dataset (e.g., a JSON array of items) could be rendered in various ways by the frontend, such as an HTML list, table, or a collection of DIVs. This separation seems to suggest a more decoupled architecture, where the backend is agnostic of the frontend's presentation logic.
Sending data as HTML, on the other hand, implies a tighter coupling between the backend and frontend, as the backend pre-defines the presentation format. I'm eager to understand your perspectives on this approach. Does the advantage of using HTML for data exchange outweigh the flexibility and separation offered by JSON, or are there specific scenarios where one is clearly preferable over the other?
I look forward to your thoughts and insights on this topic.