I am preparing for 1ZO-819 exam and I am a bit confused when it comes to Concurrency.
The official exam topic page vaguely describes it as follows:
1. Create worker threads using Runnable and Callable, and manage concurrency using an ExecutorService and java.util.concurrent API
2. Develop thread-safe code, using different locking mechanisms and java.util.concurrent API
For preparation I am following
Java SE 11 Developer 1Z0-819 OCP Course - Part 1 & 2 and also Sybex 819 practice tests book.
I understand all the concepts discussed in the course and I've also completed and understood the questions from the book as well.
But I wanted to know will this be enough? The book has only 30 questions on Concurrency which confuses me as its a topic of great importance (from what I've read).
Kindly let me know your thoughts and also if you feel there is some other way that will be much more suited.