[Note: Kevin Abel coming back to do the procedure below and adding clarity to the instructions as I perform it]
The video instructions worked. I am writing down the steps from what I wrote on paper and from memory. Some points may be missing. I recommend watching the wonderful video[not sarcasm] for details.
close android studio if open
Open windows control panel (type control panel in the windows search area)
programs - use the condensed view of programs where it does not show all of the choices. It will say programs and attached to it there is a hyperlink saying "Uninstall a program".
Don't click on the hyperlink. Click on the
word that says "Programs"
Below programs and features there is a hyperlink for
"turn windows features on or off"
find hyper-v [Note: expand it two levels deep]
Put in check marks on all choices that allow it. Save. Notice some won't allow you to add a check and we need to.
Restart PC. Hold down F10 key or what ever you use to get to BIOS during start up of windows
Go to Device Configuration at the top
Put a check mark in Virtualization Technology
Reboot PC
Go back to Control Panel.
Turn windows on/off
you should be able to enter the check marks in the other places after expanding the branch.
My notes say to put a check mark in Now Active. I forgot what this means. Maybe it is the checkbox.
Restart PC
Open Android SDK
Set up your emulator. I don't remember the details on this, but if you saw the error we had at the start you probably did this already.
Note: finding this fix was torture. I think that HAXM was an accidental Red Herring. It seems as if it is not needed once the fix is done.
If you are reading this, and try it, please add missing steps.
I hope to get a
cow for this.
Thank you everyone.