Carey Brown wrote:For future reference:
Based on my casual observation it seems that Eclipse is the most preferred IDE though there are a couple of others. In my 25 year career all of the companies I worked for used Eclipse.
Carey Brown wrote:For future reference:
Based on my casual observation it seems that Eclipse is the most preferred IDE though there are a couple of others. In my 25 year career all of the companies I worked for used Eclipse.
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Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.
Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.
Tim Holloway wrote:Eclipse project meta-data differs considerably from what IntelliJ uses and likewise for NetBeans. So you cannot just suck an Eclipse project into IntelliJ or vice versa.
Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.
Agree with those who said to use a text editor, but I wouildn't use MS Notepad. Use NotePad2 or NotePad++ if you are onWindows® because they support additional features to improve your code formatting. The two apps are related but NotePad++ has more features.Tim Holloway wrote:. . . we recommend something like Notepad . . .
Carey Brown wrote:I bet "free/open source" is a big reason Eclipse spread so rapidly.
Tim Holloway wrote:IntelliJ has 3 project files, as I recall, each in XML format. One for the project itself, one for personal preferences, and I think the third contains current editing state (it has been a while since I looked). When committing to a source archive, the personal stuff should not commit, only the global project file.
Mike Simmons wrote:Yeah, I become extremely suspicious of any build that depends on any IDE-specific tools. Largely because of some Eclipse-plugin-specific experiences many years ago. But if the project can't be reliably built from the command line outside any IDE, that's a huge red flag for me. As a result, I am suspicious of any IDE-specific file that gets checked in.
Mike Simmons wrote:Yeah, I become extremely suspicious of any build that depends on any IDE-specific tools.
Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.
Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.
Tim Holloway wrote:Eclipse is "slow and buggy"??? About the only bug I've been annoyed by is in the XML editor plugin and at least when it comes to start-up, IntelliJ wins the slow prize.
Chris Smithtopher wrote:How do you manage things like packages, dependencies, and all that jazz?
Carey Brown wrote:
Chris Smithtopher wrote:How do you manage things like packages, dependencies, and all that jazz? should probably have already started your IDE learning curve before getting too deep into dependencies. Packages you should be able to do from the command line.
Carey Brown wrote:
Chris Smithtopher wrote:How do you manage things like packages, dependencies, and all that jazz? should probably have already started your IDE learning curve before getting too deep into dependencies. Packages you should be able to do from the command line.
Liutauras Vilda wrote:
Carey Brown wrote:
Chris Smithtopher wrote:How do you manage things like packages, dependencies, and all that jazz? should probably have already started your IDE learning curve before getting too deep into dependencies. Packages you should be able to do from the command line.
And so the dependencies, there are examples on those cert books how to set the classpath.
A one or two examples where class depends on few other to get it compiled and be able to run is a good start, and perhaps indeed don't need to dive significantly more, but just to get a sense what's happening.
Liutauras Vilda wrote:
Tim Holloway wrote:Eclipse is "slow and buggy"??? About the only bug I've been annoyed by is in the XML editor plugin and at least when it comes to start-up, IntelliJ wins the slow prize.
Tim, my experience is opposite. I stopped using Eclipse about 10 years go, one of the reasons being - very sluggish, couldn't smoothly handle couple of simple HelloWorld projects opened at the same time. And I remember hearing at that time people saying what you are saying about IntelliJ IDEA. I don't know if it is because of macOS (Mac OS X at that time), but IntelliJ IDEA for me was very smooth compared to Eclipse
Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.
Tim Holloway wrote:
Regardless, we all know the One True IDE is Emacs. And yes, I've used it with the Java development plugin.
Tim Holloway wrote:But, as I said before, I like the fact that I can debug both ends of a client-server system at the same time, and, in fact, multiple clients and multiple servers all chattering to each other. Most developers aren't as evil as I am.
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