Unless you're searching within a much larger area, like a file, and the "openshift.cluster_id:" occurrs multiple times, and you're looking for the ones that
aren't followed by the specific cluster id 20bd0f2c-0d96-4c9a-b730-b4db9de53ce4. The openshift.cluster_id: isn't necessarily at the beginning, and the value isn't necessarily at the end.
Negative lookahead is exactly the tool for this problem, I think. The regex syntax isn't very complicated at all. Unfortunately, the cluster id looks like a unsightly mess. But that doesn't make it a complicated regex.
Unfortunately, we should note that "openshift.cluster_id:" does contain one special character: '.' For that, the regex should actually replace "." with "\." And if this is being done within a
Java program, you need to escape again, so that each "." is replaced with "\\\.". Annoying.
Peter, glad you found the answer!